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Daawo: Muuqaal laga duubay xayawaan yaab leh oo u eg yaxaas oo sababay argagax ballaran

Daawo: Muuqaal laga duubay xayawaan yaab leh oo u eg yaxaas oo sababay argagax ballaran

Xayawaan la yaab leh oo u eg yaxaas oo Ku nool tuulo ku taal Masar ayaa sababay argagax.  Dadka tuulada Al-Awamer ee magaalada Abnoub, oo ka tir…
Xiisad culus oo ka taagan xarunta NISA iyo wararkii ugu dambeeyey ee xaaladda

Xiisad culus oo ka taagan xarunta NISA iyo wararkii ugu dambeeyey ee xaaladda

Muqdisho   –  Xarunta hay’adda nabad sugida iyo sirdoonka qaranka ee Habar Khadiijo oo ku taalla degmada Shibis ayaa haatan laga dareemayaa xiisa…
war Farxad leh : Shirkadda Samsung oo xafiis joogto ah ka furatay Caasimadda Muqdisho

war Farxad leh : Shirkadda Samsung oo xafiis joogto ah ka furatay Caasimadda Muqdisho

Daahfurka Samsung soomaaliya waa waji cusub oo hormar leh oo uu kutilaabsanayo ganacsiga soomaaliya, maadaama samsung ay kamid tahay shirkadaha ugu…
 FAA'IDOOYIINKA MIRAHA NAFAQO Waxtarka Iyo Khasaaraha Qoondarka

FAA'IDOOYIINKA MIRAHA NAFAQO Waxtarka Iyo Khasaaraha Qoondarka

Waxaan maanta inshaAllah halkan ku sharaxayaa midho yaryar oo buniga ama huruud ah oo la idhaah ( Flax seed) .  Soomaalina waxaa lagu idhaah Qoond…
Waxyaabaha Sababa Ama Keena Lugo Xanuunka

Waxyaabaha Sababa Ama Keena Lugo Xanuunka

dhaxeeyo dareen daal ilaa xanuun heerkiisu sareeyo kaasoo qofka u keeni kara ilaa uu yareeyo socodka ama dhaqdhaqaaqa kale ee caadiga ah ba, waxuu…
Sharmaboy Hees qoraal Ah Waa Sax qalbigaad sidataa  Sax sax sax  Sharma Boy  Deeqsan (Deeqsan)

Sharmaboy Hees qoraal Ah Waa Sax qalbigaad sidataa Sax sax sax Sharma Boy Deeqsan (Deeqsan)

Waa Sax Irsaaqada Illahay Waasac Sharma Boy Deeqsan (Deeqsan) Cadceed on the beat Waa sax qalbigaad sidataa Sax sax sax (Haa) Waa sax wadnahad Sura…
After 4 years ... Has His Excellency President Farmaajo fulfilled the hopes and aspirations of the Somali citizens?

After 4 years ... Has His Excellency President Farmaajo fulfilled the hopes and aspirations of the Somali citizens?

It fell to us after about a month. February 8, 2021, the fourth anniversary of the election of His Excellency Mohamed Abdullah Farmajo as President o…
Elders of Bargal District launch a call to build a hospital

Elders of Bargal District launch a call to build a hospital

It is said that the best thing in the world is a person and his health, and the most beautiful of that is the solidarity of man with his fellow m…
SJS condemns the arbitrary detention of journalist Kilwe Aden in Puntland and demands his immediate release

SJS condemns the arbitrary detention of journalist Kilwe Aden in Puntland and demands his immediate release

GAROWE - The Somali Journalists Syndicate welcomed the release of journalist Farah Muhammad Khleif in Garowe without charge, after four days of bei…
Police forces trained by the federal government in Somalia arrive in Garowe

Police forces trained by the federal government in Somalia arrive in Garowe

A large number of police forces, who have been trained by the central federal government in Somalia, arrived today at General Muhammad Absher Airport…
Somalia: Government forces  Seized money coming from UAE and arrested its holders

Somalia: Government forces Seized money coming from UAE and arrested its holders

Somali government officials on the border between Somalia and Kenya said they arrested men carrying money they said came from the United Arab Emira…
UAE firm take-over Bosaso Airport

UAE firm take-over Bosaso Airport

The Puntland state government and TISL, a United Arab Emirates-based company, signed an agreement in Dubai on Monday to take-over Bosaso Airport…
Because of DP WORLD : suppression of Puntland House of Representatives causes a constitutional crisis in the state

Because of DP WORLD : suppression of Puntland House of Representatives causes a constitutional crisis in the state

Eight MPs found themselves as ordinary citizens without immunity when several MPs voted to remove legislative immunity from them - immunity that wo…
Garowe Market Temporarily Closed Due to Exchange Rate Rise

Garowe Market Temporarily Closed Due to Exchange Rate Rise

Small shops in Garowe, the capital of Puntland state, are closed today after the dollar appreciated. The large vegetable and meat market known as Inj…
The session of the Parliament of Puntland was canceled after the chaos and noise of some of the House members

The session of the Parliament of Puntland was canceled after the chaos and noise of some of the House members

A session held by the Parliament of the Federal State of Puntland in Somalia ended a short while ago in the city of Groowe, the state capital, in c…
UN Chief In Somalia Calls For Timely Election, Based On Consensus Among Stakeholders

UN Chief In Somalia Calls For Timely Election, Based On Consensus Among Stakeholders

In an interview with al-Jazeera, Mr Swan, also the head of the UN Assistance Mission in Somalia, said timely elections will be possible only if par…
The Global Education Partnership is contributing an additional $ 2.9 million to support basic education in Puntland while these efforts still do not reach remote areas

The Global Education Partnership is contributing an additional $ 2.9 million to support basic education in Puntland while these efforts still do not reach remote areas

Through an additional $2.9 million grant to UNICEF Somalia, the Global Partnership for Education (GPE) has renewed its commitment to enhancing acce…
Wararkii Ugu Dambeeyey Xaaladda Cakiran Ee Waddanka Itoobiya, Awoodda Milatari Ee Maamulka Gobolka Tigraay Iyo Hanjabaaddii Ugu Cuslayd Ee Uu Diro Ra’iisal Wasaare Abiy!

Wararkii Ugu Dambeeyey Xaaladda Cakiran Ee Waddanka Itoobiya, Awoodda Milatari Ee Maamulka Gobolka Tigraay Iyo Hanjabaaddii Ugu Cuslayd Ee Uu Diro Ra’iisal Wasaare Abiy!

Dowladda Itoobiya ayaa ku dhawaaqday in xaalad degdeg ah oo lix bilood qaadan doonta la geliyay gobolka waqooyiga dalkaas ku yaalla ee Tigray. Go…
WhatsApp oo soo kordhineysa hannaan cusub oo farrimaha lagu wadaago tiraya 7 maalmood kaddib

WhatsApp oo soo kordhineysa hannaan cusub oo farrimaha lagu wadaago tiraya 7 maalmood kaddib

WhatsApp ayaa soo saareysa hannaan cusub oo tirtiraya farriimaha lagu wadaago 7 maalmood kaddib. Hannaankan oo hore ugu diyaarsanaa qeybta qarsoon …
China-trained medic boosts war against COVID-19 in Somalia

China-trained medic boosts war against COVID-19 in Somalia

As the COVID-19 pandemic landed in Somalia in mid-March, there was rampant anxiety about how the country with one of the most fragile health systems …